
10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury ...

The 10-year minus 2-year Treasury (constant maturity) yields: Positive values may imply future growth, negative values may imply economic downturns.

Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates

Yields are interpolated by the Treasury from the daily par yield curve. This curve, which relates the yield on a security to its time to maturity, is based on ...

Interest Rate Statistics

This par yield curve, which relates the par yield on a security to its time to maturity, is based on the closing market bid prices on the most recently ...

United States Rates & Bonds

Get updated data about US Treasuries. Find information on government bonds yields, muni bonds and interest rates in the USA.

US Treasury Yield Curve - Government Bonds

5 天前 · Stay on top of current data on government bond yields in United States, including the yield curve, daily high, low and change for each bond.

Bonds and the Yield Curve | Explainer | Education

The yield curve – also called the term structure of interest rates – shows the yield on bonds over different terms to maturity. The 'yield curve' is often used ...

What Is the Treasury Yield Curve?

The Treasury yield curve is a visual representation of the yields that different Treasuries pay relative to the date they have to be repaid, or ...

US Treasury Yield Curve

US Treasury Yield Curve · 1 YR. 4.04, -2.00 · 2 YR. 3.96, 0.00 · 3 YR. 3.94, 1.00. 5 YR. 4.01, 4.00. 7 YR. 4.11, 5.00.

What does an inverted yield curve signal about the economy?

A Treasury yield curve provides a comparison of government-issued bond yields of different maturities. A typical yield curve will trace current yields for ...

US Treasury Yield Curve

US Treasuries Yield Curve​​ Y-axis values represent the constant maturity interest rate for a given duration. X-axis values represent duration in months or years ... Time Series · Sources · Blog · Contact


The10-yearminus2-yearTreasury(constantmaturity)yields:Positivevaluesmayimplyfuturegrowth,negativevaluesmayimplyeconomicdownturns.,YieldsareinterpolatedbytheTreasuryfromthedailyparyieldcurve.Thiscurve,whichrelatestheyieldonasecuritytoitstimetomaturity,isbasedon ...,Thisparyieldcurve,whichrelatestheparyieldonasecuritytoitstimetomaturity,isbasedontheclosingmarketbidpricesonthemostrecently ...,Get...